Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Visitors

I comb and pull back my hairs
As I adjust my clothes once again
"Its a sin to look so unkempt 
when visitors come by your house"
Mother's voice still ringing in my head
I feel weak and want nothing but sleep

Yet as I catch my reflection in the mirror
I look as hale and hearty as always
My skin's smooth and supple 
And my smile still as bright 
Its no wonder I fool everyone so easily
Of how I really hurt inside

I am trained to be a perfect host
Equipped with enough anecdotes, jokes & stories
And so one by one they come
Each with their quirks and comments
All playing expert doctors and healing shamans
On pains they've never experienced before

Some blame my poor old Buddha statute 
That welcomes them to my home
As harbinger of my poor fate
And some prays so loud for my recovery
I secretly believe that their gods must be deaf 
I nod, smile and pretend to agree
Just so they leave quicker and I sleep
Although 'sleep' means more of myself
Curl up in a ball and wishing for the pain 
To stop and the medicines to work.

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