Monday, October 10, 2022

Sweet Notes

You're special to me
I want to guard you
Deep within my heart
Far away from the world
I don't want to share you
I just want you to be mine

All our memories together
Let them imprint on you
Deep within your soul
Far away from the world
Don't let me fade away
But keep me steady still

Bind yourself to me
Stronger than the moon
To the tides of the ocean
Through all your phases
Let your heart remind you
That you're mine alone


Here comes my certain demise

A forest fire that'll kill all of me

Knocking on my door

With promises of warm fire 

In the middle of my winter nights

Here comes my rain clouds

Bringing in tsunami of flood

I can tell it from a distance

I should climb the highest tower

And pray for it to pass me by

Here comes the death of me

Wrapped in sweet gold ribbons

Teasing me with exciting whispers

Daring me to touch and open 

Even when it will poison me

Every reason beg me to run

Oh as my heart sleepwalks

Neither listening nor obeying

Oh, this is going to hurt

When I wake up to reality!!!

Welcome Back, My Muse

Welcome back, my muse
Oh, how I've missed you 
Just when I gave up on you
Thinking you've forgotten me
You showed up again

Oh! What a fine specimen 
With a smile that stops my breath
And eyes that melts all my defences
I never had a chance  
Against this certain torment 

Welcome back, sleepless nights
Thousand questions and million wishes
Burning unfulfilled desires
Hundreds silent tears and prayers
That will never be fulfilled

Welcome back, my muse
You've done well to choose 
The right person at the wrong time
And a pain that keeps begging 
To be heard, to be healed

Welcome back, my muse
Bringing me a gift 
That'll never be mine
Hurting me in all the right places
Until I bleed in words yet again. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Remember This

In the end, it doesn't matter
When the storm ends and the blood dries
When everything is said and done
When emotions are spent and words are gone

The damages are done and the bullet hit
From the bottom, there's only up 
For nobody can lie here forever in this abyss
So pick up the broken heart

Bury the dead and forgive the wrongs
Thank them for the lessons they've given
Assess the damage and rebuild what's gone
Piece by piece, create a better version

Live another life, find another dreams
You're still breathing, you're still hope
Its going to be different but doesn't mean
It can't be as good as you wished for

Sometimes another version is better
Than the one that was destroyed
For the heart is stronger and life deeper
Than the event that took your previous life away

Sometimes when you catch yourself
Remembering everything else and ache your heart
Say a little prayer and shed a few tears
Its okay to reminiscence but life is for the NOW.


She took the risk, gave everything up
For a chance to be somebody to him
Only for him to turn his back on her
Just when she needed him most

He made her feel like nothing
Made her feel like a failure
Made her feel like she wasn't worth
Anything good anymore

And for years, she clung on
To his narrative of who she was
That she was small and cursed
An used and failed good

Once or twice she thought she had a chance
When they flattered her bruised heart
Only for them to use her like he did
Just when she needed much more

But tonight, she's going to stop it all
First, she's going to forgive herself
For all the faults and lies she told herself
Of being nothing more than what she's now

She's going to remember who she really is
Of her strength and how far she has grown
She's going to rewrite her story
And make herself the hero

She's going to give herself the love
And acceptance she deserves
She's going to rebuild all of her
Until they see the goddess that she is.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Vampire Love

You make it so easy
To fall in love with you
Make it so natural
To give you all of me
Make it feel so right
To stay in this moment

So why can't this be right?
Why can't we just be?
How long should we hide?
How long should we pretend?
I'm tired of waiting
For you to tell the world

Like creatures hiding
Away from the sun
You force our love to hide
Yet come to me in darkness
If this love is so doomed
Then why are we still here?

Why let this love grow
In the pit of darkness
When all it need is light?
This vampire love of yours
Drains me of all my blood
So here I am dying
In your arms

I beg you to release me
Of this slow death
Yet you compelled me
And I can't even move
But if you love me
Bring me to the sun
Tell the world
Of my existence
Or let me go....

Friday, December 14, 2018

Look at the Trees

I've read once about a tribe in Africa who has an unique practice. Whenever someone in their tribe commits a crime, the entire tribe will come together, surround the man and one by one, come and tell the man what he's done good in his life, how he has changed life for the better for someone. Each person, from the oldest to the youngest will continue telling him of the positive he has brought to his tribe. They do this so that the man REMEMBERS who he is, that he is more than his one, single wrong mistake, that he is capable of so much more good in his life, that his mistake doesn't define him but that he has and can do so much better.

I can never forget this story for it really resonates with me. Many say that we humans are essentially evil. But we are essentially good too. Its when we forget who we are, what we really are that we lose ourselves to doubts, self-criticism, fear.

So remember.

If you can't remember, then open your eyes. Look. See.

See what is right there in front of you. What has been there all along. Look at the trees.

Look how different each tree is from the other. Yet, you will find that each one of them is beautiful, unique and strong in its own way. And as you look at it closely, you will see how trees teach us about real strength, endurance, patience.

Trees aren’t strong just because of their ability to stand against strong winds. No. Even the strongest tree will be uprooted, broken by harsher winds, storms. They are strong because of their ability to come back even against the harshest environment. It is the very essence of nature to never accept defeat, never give up. It is the very essence of nature to rise. Every. Single.Time.

A tree may lose all its leaves, become bare in the winter, shrivelled to such an extent that anyone won’t find it surprising if it dies. It may turn to nothing more than a mere log, with nothing to look at, nothing of usefulness. But that is not the end of a tree.

Winter may laugh and believe that it has defeated the ever green, strong tree in that moment. It may cover its branches with the coldest snow, bury half of its height, ridiculing the once powerful tree. Throughout that period, nobody will help the shrivelled, silent suffering tree. And if it had died, the world would just shrug its shoulders and continue on its way. But then again, that is not the end of a tree.

You see, a tree is better than that. For she has been raised in the lap of her mother, Nature itself. And, she is her mother’s daughter. The very essence of Mother Nature runs through all her roots, trunk and branches. Even when the harsh winter nights embrace her. Hurt her. Push her to the limit. Even when she is reduced to nothing but an ugly, barren log looking tree. Even when the world has forgotten about her.

Because she is made of tougher substances. When the earth finally tilts and the sun grows in strength again, the haughty winter will find itself slowly stripped off its power. For winter’s biggest ally – darkness is now slowly replaced by day.

Slowly but surely, she will build herself up again. Leaf by Leaf. Bark by Bark. Until she turns herself once more from a bare trunk that nobody cared about to that of a tree that is filled with the birds, animals and people. She will bear flowers and fruits. Her shade will be what every creature sought when summer comes again.

She will become so full of life that everyone won't even comprehend that she is once a bare, looking trunk. She will rebuild herself until all traces of her tormenters is gone. She will become her own epitome of victory, the very image of success.

Now, look at yourself. If a tree could go through all those tough times and make it, why can't you? You've ran too fast, too hard, too much that you've forgotten why you're running in the first place. Where you're running to. You've focused so much on speed, agility that you've forgotten the most important thing that matters to you --remember, what is that single most important factor to you?
What is that thing that makes you smile, makes your heart warm in your chest? What is that thing that you want most in the world?

Running is the process, the method to get you there. But where is that? What is there? Who is waiting for you there? Why are you running?

Pause. Breathe.

Why are you running? Stop. Just for a few minutes, stop. Go and look at the trees.

Remember. Who. You. Are.